How to fundraise $1,000 in eight months!

There are lots of ways to raise money, and the DHP Board works with students selected for the trip to develop fundraisers. Students have sold roses and candy for valentines day, treats and care packages for finals week, hot chocolate and cookies when it is cold and frozen ice and coco-bananas when it is hot. They’ve sold coffee and cookies to faculty at monthly faculty meetings, sponsored pie eating contests and athletic competitions, and of course there’s the Honduran Dinner. We built a wall of paper bricks, each with the name of a $1 sponsor, and we built a wall of hearts as well. Silent and noisy auctions. Coin drives by the Drew gate. Door-to-door soliciting in residence halls and in Madison. Subsidized magazine subscriptions through online donor-support organizations. You name it, DHP has probably done it. Hey, we auctioned off the pants of faculty members and famous writers!

But we are always looking for new ideas, and the list below is modified from one someone found on the internet a few years ago.  Change the order of these things as appropriate, and set these as minimum targets and some of your stress will be relieved. The more you can raise in the first few months, the more inspired you will be. Then as you get closer to your target, tell people how close you are and they might be more willing to help close the gap.


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Month 1 Start by sponsoring yourself for $50



  Ask 5 family members to contribute $20 each



  Ask 6 professors at Drew to make a donation of $10



  Ask 8 friends to contribute $5 each



  Sell 10 tickets for the DHP dinner



  Plan a fundraising event at Drew and aim to raise $40 for your account



Month 2 If you have a job, ask 3 co-workers to contribute $10 each and ask your boss to make a company contribution of $15 (and ask  if there is a matching gifts program)



  Next time you go home, visit your high school and ask 3 former teachers to contribute $15. Offer to give a presentation to students in a Spanish class about the Dominican Republic or Honduras and the work we do there (the Board can give you resources for this and you can use images from our Facebook page)



Month 3 If you attend a church, ask if you can make a presentation about the project and use it to help you raise funds (the Board can give you resources for this and you can use images from our Facebook page).  If you cannot make a presentation, ask if you can place a donation box near the entrance or just ask 5 people to donate $10



  If you or your family regularly eat at a local restaurant, or you wait tables, ask if you can place a donation box near the entrance or (better) by the cash register



  Ask family members to make a donation in place of a holiday or birthday gift.



Month 4 Next time you go home, ask 3 neighbors to contribute $10 each



  Ask a business you or your family visit often (coffee shop, dry cleaners, etc.) to contribute $15 – or ask if you can place a donation box near the entrance or by the cash register



  Post a notice to Facebook saying how much you have raised and linking to the DHP page and ask people in your social network to each contribute $5. They can do it via the DHP website if they prefer. Try to get at least 10 donations.



Month 5 Plan a second fundraising event at Drew and aim to raise $45       (If the first one worked you can repeat it, or try another. Here are some ideas of things you can offer for a suggested donation: deliver mid-term or end of semester exam care candy & stress-balls, or valentine candy, or “just because” cards or candies; cut out and “sell” $1 paper “bricks” to represent a painted wall and post them up with the name of the donor, or do the same with socks or pencils, or with hearts  for valentines day with the names of valentines written on them; for Mothers Day cut out teddy bears and post them on the wall with people’s mom’s name on them (add a “Happy Mother’s Day” selfie station); host a card-making session, or cup-cake decorating, or t-shirt printing; order & deliver Chipotle food at the end of the semester; “sell” cocoa & cookies outside the library; host a car wash . . .



Go Door-to-door in Madison with the DHP and solicit funds to support additional trip expenses (don’t forget to take your badge!).
Take each opportunity to solicit door-to-door in Madison; you can use the money you raise toward your own trip after the first two times.



  Send a press release to your hometown newspaper reporting on your progress at Drew and your upcoming trip and fundraising efforts, and ask people to visit the DHP website and make a donation in your name (the Board will give you a sample press release).



Month 6 Invite another group member to join you as you solicit in your own town, splitting the money—check with the board to find out how to get permission




Repeat any of the activities that worked, or plan a third (fourth or fifth) Drew fundraising event to raise whatever you still need to raise. There is no limit to the number of fundraisers you can hold–but check with the Board as you plan because many things you did in high school, especially involving food, are not permitted at Drew.



Please note: One essential aspect of successful long-term fund-raising is follow-through. When anyone gives you money or donates clothes or supplies, say thank you. But then follow up with a personal note. When we solicit door-to-door in Madison Drew sends an official thank you letter that can be used for tax purposes, but the group also sends a postcard from Honduras or DR reporting on our trip and thanking the people for their support. If former teachers, members of your community, or even family members give money please follow up with a postcard or letter once you get back and even a small gift. By doing this you create a reciprocal relationship, and that is what we are all about!